Monday 19 December 2011

Earth Speak 20/12/11

As I sit with Her this morning and ground my energetic body, I feel to anchor ever more tightly...
With every exhalation, I increase the awareness of my Earth connection..
I let my roots pass only through my Earth Star...
I feel them plunge deeply down and anchor firmly round the core...
That warm feeling begins, I draw back to me,
So begins this new days rythmic dance of energetic release and exchange.
I offer Her everything, She offers everything in return... 
His light is brilliant, and blindingly so.
With every breath in, I reach forward and feel my way higher...
I unlock and open the Gateway. 
I see the light source clearer as it passes through the Soul Star...
Pure light energy enters my crown, and moves down to the core of me.
It fills and charges my being.

His Light, Her Life
They merge as One Great Spirit.

I give great thanks for all that is,
for all that was,
For all that is yet to be.

I seal the daily connections with offerings to Earth and Sky.
I place around me protection.
For myself and those around me.

I open my heartspace.
I declare...

I see with my heart.
I hear with my heart.
I speak with my heart.
I feel with my heart.
I know with my heart.
My heart is your heart.

The birds are quiet, the air is thick and sweet, the tree cracks, a branch falls, a warning...
The beginning of the end has accelerated...

Dear Ones,

There is great and profound shifting within the physical and energetic worlds.
Change is necessary and is coming.

Use the energy of the Solstice approaching, along with the complimentary energy of the waning moon, to let go all that holds you back.
 Recurrent patterns have surfaced with increasing intensity for you to notice, change and heal from.
Recognise those feelings of unworthiness, fear and shame.
Get off the merry-go-round.
Find the cause within you!
Feel your pain!
Release it!
Heal it!

You ARE worthy!
Don't say it... KNOW it!
BE worthy!

You ARE brave!
There is no fear!
BE brave!

You ARE forgiven!
Forgive yourself!
BE forgiveness!


Feel your centre,
The energy,
Up and down
The life force.

Feel your breath,
 In and out.
Let it leave,
Let it change,
Let it return,
Breathe the cycle of all life.

Open your ears,
Hear the music,
Dance the rhythm,
Feel the beat of the drum.
The heartbeat of all that is beats in perfect time.
That time is now.
It's time to walk the talk.
It's time to have courage.
It's time to open your heart.
It's time you woke up to you.

Vikstar Fata

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