Monday 23 January 2012

Can you feel it? 24/1/12

I've really been feeling the change of late...  So many messages and changes occurring simutaneously, at times it's hard to keep up....

This VikStar-being is changing, it's hard to explain really...

Structurally, energetically, completely changing...
It's tiring as the change occurs, let one thing go, let another thing come...
The wheel keeps turning, oh yes, it does...

It's a deep shift, deeper than we've felt before. It's a great awakening and changing occurring... 
 At times I've been afraid of my own abilities... if it heightens more, how high will I get? How low will they go?
Do I really have to feel everything???

  I impicitly trust, it's all for a reason, that "All is as it should be, Always"

I connect to Her, my Mother, the Earth.
Just like a mother calls a child when it's time to come in from the darkness,
when She calls me to Her, I always come home...

I shift my awareness to the light of the world and allow it to penetrate my being, I feel deeply the warmth of the love and light that is my Father Sky...

I do not fight this need in me, I do not feel guilty for leaving the systemic world for a few days in order to connect to myself...
This is the real "me" time, that is vital to my energetic wellness and wholeness.

Many like me are feeling the same... I know because I feel them too...
We are all feeling each other, and we want to reach out, but are unsure who with at times.
Authenticity is rare but it's out there.
Trust your intuition, you already know.
Acknowledge the signs, I know that you see them.
Heed the warnings, you've sensed those too.
Be unafraid, fear is an illusion.
Welcome change, it's coming regardless.
Rise or fall, the choice is yours alone.

This new light we are shining is not seen inside too many.
We see this light is different.
No I can't explain it, I just know it.
We are recognising this difference, more and more every day...

This is a light seen only once before here on this planet they call Earth...

It's time for the lights to come together collectively.
Whether that be in the physical or virtual world...
Help each other heal and you will heal the world...

It has been lonely, almost alien at times, here on this blue planet, but there are many others waiting to hear from you now.

Forget this notion that you have nothing to offer.
You have you and that's all the credential you need.
People cannot help but be affected by the power of your Love and your Light.
 Help them recognise the magick that resides in them and every living thing.
Enable in them their rememberings of their connections, their magick, their knowing...

The power of collective love and healing energy cannot help but manifest magnificent from the masses...
Know your worth.
Embrace the change.
Shine your light.
Vikstar Fata

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and heartfelt my dear sister. Keep on shining !

    All love <3
