Monday 23 January 2012

Can you feel it? 24/1/12

I've really been feeling the change of late...  So many messages and changes occurring simutaneously, at times it's hard to keep up....

This VikStar-being is changing, it's hard to explain really...

Structurally, energetically, completely changing...
It's tiring as the change occurs, let one thing go, let another thing come...
The wheel keeps turning, oh yes, it does...

It's a deep shift, deeper than we've felt before. It's a great awakening and changing occurring... 
 At times I've been afraid of my own abilities... if it heightens more, how high will I get? How low will they go?
Do I really have to feel everything???

  I impicitly trust, it's all for a reason, that "All is as it should be, Always"

I connect to Her, my Mother, the Earth.
Just like a mother calls a child when it's time to come in from the darkness,
when She calls me to Her, I always come home...

I shift my awareness to the light of the world and allow it to penetrate my being, I feel deeply the warmth of the love and light that is my Father Sky...

I do not fight this need in me, I do not feel guilty for leaving the systemic world for a few days in order to connect to myself...
This is the real "me" time, that is vital to my energetic wellness and wholeness.

Many like me are feeling the same... I know because I feel them too...
We are all feeling each other, and we want to reach out, but are unsure who with at times.
Authenticity is rare but it's out there.
Trust your intuition, you already know.
Acknowledge the signs, I know that you see them.
Heed the warnings, you've sensed those too.
Be unafraid, fear is an illusion.
Welcome change, it's coming regardless.
Rise or fall, the choice is yours alone.

This new light we are shining is not seen inside too many.
We see this light is different.
No I can't explain it, I just know it.
We are recognising this difference, more and more every day...

This is a light seen only once before here on this planet they call Earth...

It's time for the lights to come together collectively.
Whether that be in the physical or virtual world...
Help each other heal and you will heal the world...

It has been lonely, almost alien at times, here on this blue planet, but there are many others waiting to hear from you now.

Forget this notion that you have nothing to offer.
You have you and that's all the credential you need.
People cannot help but be affected by the power of your Love and your Light.
 Help them recognise the magick that resides in them and every living thing.
Enable in them their rememberings of their connections, their magick, their knowing...

The power of collective love and healing energy cannot help but manifest magnificent from the masses...
Know your worth.
Embrace the change.
Shine your light.
Vikstar Fata

Thursday 5 January 2012

The welcome change 6/1/12

In all things, the cycle exists, and only death brings about rebirth.
It's time to remove some baggage and make room for the new.

Let go your grip on the past.
Embrace the change within.
You ARE ready now.
The attachments you have accumulated throughout your many lifetimes and learnings, energies of lower vibrations, are finding it difficult to live with the higher new earth energy.
I offer with love, this healing channel...

Ground through the Earth Star, anchor to the core of Her.
Reach up through The Gateway, open up to His light.
Feel the Serpent energy rise and flow. 
You are part of the Oneness that is all and everything.
Feel the rhythmic balance.
Shine your heartlight outward.

Like a moth to a flame let the pain come forward from the past.
Do not be afraid.
There can be no darkness where a light shines.
Pain is coming forward to be transformed in the light.
The light that is love... for you... from you.

Life is learning and you've learned well.
YOU now know better.
DO better!

You have a bright future to step into.
That "stuff' cannot exist in this new place.

Sever the cords that bind you to your fears.
They serve you not in the future.
You are exponential potential.
Believe it and you'll see it.
Release yourself from the restrictive thinking that this way will be forever.
Change is the only constant.
Let your mojo go with the flow.
You are your own creative power.
You are manifesting the life you dream of.

See yourself with clarity.
The truth is setting you free.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.

Vikstar Fata

Monday 19 December 2011

Earth Speak 20/12/11

As I sit with Her this morning and ground my energetic body, I feel to anchor ever more tightly...
With every exhalation, I increase the awareness of my Earth connection..
I let my roots pass only through my Earth Star...
I feel them plunge deeply down and anchor firmly round the core...
That warm feeling begins, I draw back to me,
So begins this new days rythmic dance of energetic release and exchange.
I offer Her everything, She offers everything in return... 
His light is brilliant, and blindingly so.
With every breath in, I reach forward and feel my way higher...
I unlock and open the Gateway. 
I see the light source clearer as it passes through the Soul Star...
Pure light energy enters my crown, and moves down to the core of me.
It fills and charges my being.

His Light, Her Life
They merge as One Great Spirit.

I give great thanks for all that is,
for all that was,
For all that is yet to be.

I seal the daily connections with offerings to Earth and Sky.
I place around me protection.
For myself and those around me.

I open my heartspace.
I declare...

I see with my heart.
I hear with my heart.
I speak with my heart.
I feel with my heart.
I know with my heart.
My heart is your heart.

The birds are quiet, the air is thick and sweet, the tree cracks, a branch falls, a warning...
The beginning of the end has accelerated...

Dear Ones,

There is great and profound shifting within the physical and energetic worlds.
Change is necessary and is coming.

Use the energy of the Solstice approaching, along with the complimentary energy of the waning moon, to let go all that holds you back.
 Recurrent patterns have surfaced with increasing intensity for you to notice, change and heal from.
Recognise those feelings of unworthiness, fear and shame.
Get off the merry-go-round.
Find the cause within you!
Feel your pain!
Release it!
Heal it!

You ARE worthy!
Don't say it... KNOW it!
BE worthy!

You ARE brave!
There is no fear!
BE brave!

You ARE forgiven!
Forgive yourself!
BE forgiveness!


Feel your centre,
The energy,
Up and down
The life force.

Feel your breath,
 In and out.
Let it leave,
Let it change,
Let it return,
Breathe the cycle of all life.

Open your ears,
Hear the music,
Dance the rhythm,
Feel the beat of the drum.
The heartbeat of all that is beats in perfect time.
That time is now.
It's time to walk the talk.
It's time to have courage.
It's time to open your heart.
It's time you woke up to you.

Vikstar Fata

Sunday 11 December 2011

Embracing change

All fear is an illusion
All past hurts be healed
As one with the Great Spirit
In harmony and balance
With great strength and courage
Faith, wisdom and hope
 I align to my true path.
I awaken to my authentic self.
I am the woman that I am.

Ever moving forward
Change is the only constant
Love is the only answer

Vikstar Fata

Monday 5 December 2011

Don't forget to breathe

Breathe in deep, your healing,
Breathe out long, your hurting.
Vikstar Fata

Earth speak 6/12/11

Today the Earth speaks to me of Water. Tides, storms, lunar influence, and emotions. I am reminded that under the most turbulent of emotional falls, if you venture deeper you will find calm waters.
Many are feeling emotional turbulence, a sense of falling, fear of the unknown, extreme highs and lows. It is important to your spirit that you have the courage to face your depths at this time. As we move ever closer to the Lunar eclipse, and the potential healing available to our shadow selves, I offer you this channel.

Dear One,

You are feeling the flow of change. You may feel like you're about to go off a waterfall. Do not fear the change. Embrace it, feel it, flow with it. Resistance to change will bring greater turbulence.

The Earth speaks and asks you to connect with Her at this time of great change. Cast your roots deep, connect to the rhythm of Her heartbeat again. Connected to the depths of Her you will see the depths of yourself. Ask yourself what is this challenge that has followed you so long. Sit with these feelings, release if you need...

Venture deeper still, beneath the turbulence of your mindspeak. Listen to your heart. It beats as one with Mother Earth. Here in this space is forgiveness. Here in this space is peace. Here in this space is love. This place is available to you anytime day or night, wherever you are. Take off your shoes, step onto the earth and be enveloped by the loving embrace of Divine Feminine within and without.

Connect to your spirit guides. They are reminding you that you are not alone. They are here to comfort you and guide you on your spiritual journey. They wait for you to ask and be open to the signs. They wait for you to truly listen. You've heard them often and ignored a lot.

Take extra time for self nurturance. Help your own heart to sing. You are worth that effort. Feel your feelings. Know your feelings. Understand and get to know the difference between your feelings and what are empathically felt. Love your feelings. It is your authenticity that will see you through the change. Trust that you already know what is good and right for you.

The change has already begun. Now it's up to you....